Adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts deselect
Adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts deselect

adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts deselect

If an object is selected it will change the objects colours to the default colours too when Control + D (windows) or Command + D (mac) are used. See the image below for before (right) and (after) settings. You’ll see the colours of the stroke change to black and fill change to white, at the bottom of the toolbar. To reset your colours to the default colours of black and white, press Control + D (windows) or Command + D (mac). You will also find that these keyboard shortcuts work in InDesign, Photoshop and many other Adobe programs too – but in some cases with slightly different results. The keyboard shortcuts listed in this blog post are all to do with modifying colours quickly in Adobe Illustrator. Press left bracket to decrease the size and right bracket to increase size.Keyboard shortcut are a great way of speeding up your workflow. The left and right brackets are super useful when you use the brush tool or the erase tool and want to adjust brush size. If you want to scale an image proportionally, select the imagine and hold Shift while you drag one of the bounding box corners. The Shift key can do a lot!įor example, if you want to make a circle, select the Ellipse Tool, hold the Shift key, click and drag to make a circle. Making a square, a perfect circle, drawing a straight line, scaling proportionally, etc. If you want to duplicate horizontally align, hold the Shift key while you drag to the left or right, vertically align drag up or down. Hold Option key, click and drag the object for Mac, hold Alt and drag for Windows. You can lock layers by directly locking the objects on that layer as well. It’s a great step to do when you’re done with part of the artwork and don’t want to edit it by accident. When the object is locked, you won’t be able to edit it. Unlock: Command + Option + 2 for Mac, and Control + Option + 2 for Windows. Lock: Command + 2 for Mac, and Control + 2 for Windows. You can select all objects and scale them together to keep the same proportion. Sometimes your artwork might be just a little bit too close to the border, this is when this shortcut comes in handy. Select allĬommand + A for Mac, and Control + A for Windows. I assume you all know this basic shortcut that works the same in almost all computer software, but still, I’d like to mention it because it’s really useful especially when you work with text in Illustrator. Paste: Command + V for Mac, and Control + V for Windows. Copy and pasteĬopy: Command + C for Mac, and Control + C for Windows. On the other hand, if you want to change something specific from the objects you grouped, you’ll need to ungroup objects and then make the edits. You can make new shapes by grouping objects together, and it makes it easier for group edits. Ungroup: Command + Shift + G for Mac, and Control + Shift + G for Windows. Group: Command + G for Mac, and Control + G for Windows. I wish we have this option in life when we make mistakes.

adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts deselect

Made a wrong step? Simply undo it and try again.

adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts deselect

I can almost guarantee that you’ll use this shortcut every time you work on Illustrator. UndoĬommand + Z for Mac, and Control + Z for Windows. These are some common and basic shortcuts that every graphic designer uses to speed up the design process.

  • 10 Useful Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcutsġ0 Useful Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts.

  • Adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts deselect